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Top Questions

Intelligent Control Over the Resources. (+IDTCM)

Our suite of algorithms that work on a thread level take control of key parts of the Linux kernel to better manage resources.

  • Fewer CPU cycles are wasted doing kernel management routines
  • More cycles are available to the important app with better distribution and sequencing

For more info, you can ask us to send you our one-page white paper. 

– send us an email to [email protected] with the subject line:

MORE INFO – ‘white paper’

The programmers will not need to change anything while programming. 

The user will notice all the benefits, no tech experience needed, no tweaking, no nothing, just enjoying.

No, the solution its totally no dependant on any app and it’s 100% transparent.

We improve Android battery life between 10%-55% depending on the use and conditions you use the phone (app, temperature …)

While maintaining a nearly perfect smooth fluidity, 60fps frame rate for the UI.

It adapts to each use, user and conditions and terminal.

In our path to improve even more the performance, we are in the process of moving some part of the tech to a specific hardware design from the ground.

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Top Questions

Intelligent Control Over the Resources. (+IDTCM)

Our suite of algorithms that work on a thread level take control of key parts of the Linux kernel to better manage resources.

  • Fewer CPU cycles are wasted doing kernel management routines
  • More cycles are available to the important app with better distribution and sequencing

For more info, you can ask us to send you our one-page white paper. 

– send us an email to [email protected] with the subject line:

MORE INFO – ‘white paper’

The programmers will not need to change anything while programming. 

The user will notice all the benefits, no tech experience needed, no tweaking, no nothing, just enjoying.

No, the solution its totally no dependant on any app and it’s 100% transparent.

We improve Android battery life between 10%-55% depending on the use and conditions you use the phone (app, temperature …)

While maintaining a nearly perfect smooth fluidity, 60fps frame rate for the UI.

It adapts to each use, user and conditions and terminal.

In our path to improve even more the performance, we are in the process of moving some part of the tech to a specific hardware design from the ground.

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Top Questions

Intelligent Control Over the Resources. (+IDTCM)

Our suite of algorithms that work on a thread level take control of key parts of the Linux kernel to better manage resources.

  • Fewer CPU cycles are wasted doing kernel management routines
  • More cycles are available to the important app with better distribution and sequencing

For more info, you can ask us to send you our one-page white paper. 

– send us an email to [email protected] with the subject line:

MORE INFO – ‘white paper’

The programmers will not need to change anything while programming. 

The user will notice all the benefits, no tech experience needed, no tweaking, no nothing, just enjoying.

No, the solution its totally no dependant on any app and it’s 100% transparent.

We improve Android battery life between 10%-55% depending on the use and conditions you use the phone (app, temperature …)

While maintaining a nearly perfect smooth fluidity, 60fps frame rate for the UI.

It adapts to each use, user and conditions and terminal.

In our path to improve even more the performance, we are in the process of moving some part of the tech to a specific hardware design from the ground.

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Top Questions

Intelligent Control Over the Resources. (+IDTCM)

Our suite of algorithms that work on a thread level take control of key parts of the Linux kernel to better manage resources.

  • Fewer CPU cycles are wasted doing kernel management routines
  • More cycles are available to the important app with better distribution and sequencing

For more info, you can ask us to send you our one-page white paper. 

– send us an email to [email protected] with the subject line:

MORE INFO – ‘white paper’

The programmers will not need to change anything while programming. 

The user will notice all the benefits, no tech experience needed, no tweaking, no nothing, just enjoying.

No, the solution its totally no dependant on any app and it’s 100% transparent.

We improve Android battery life between 10%-55% depending on the use and conditions you use the phone (app, temperature …)

While maintaining a nearly perfect smooth fluidity, 60fps frame rate for the UI.

It adapts to each use, user and conditions and terminal.

In our path to improve even more the performance, we are in the process of moving some part of the tech to a specific hardware design from the ground.

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